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                                             MET-VET – Metacognition for
                                            Environmental Thinking in VET
                                                   Project number:

                   -   providing continuous support to avoid that the people involved in the change revert to old
                      habits. The support should include: constant communication opportunities, recollection and
                      valorisation of feedback, provision of material and immaterial resources (e.g.: technologies,
                      devices, structures, training and upskilling, counselling) to stakeholders

               1.2    Successful experiences of integration and change management in
                      Educational Institutions that have integrated metacognitive
                      initiatives as part of a green and digital strategy

               The European Union has strongly highlighted the relevance of modernization of education to integrate
               digital and sustainability skills, that are of the utmost importance in the current era characterized by a
               rapid technological evolution and urgent environmental challenges.
               Among the key EU policies that support the integration of metacognitive, green, and digital strategies
               in VET Institutions, it is worth mentioning the “European Skills Agenda” and the “Digital Education
               Action Plan”. In the table below there is an insight in these initiatives, with an emphasis on their link
               to VET and metacognition.

                                                EUROPEAN SKILLS AGENDA
                In brief            Introduced in 2020, it is a five-year plan aimed at supporting individuals and
                                    enterprise in developing more and better skills and put them into practice,
                                        -   strengthening sustainable competitiveness, as set out in the
                                           European Green Deal
                                        -   ensuring social fairness, putting into practice the first       principle of
                                           the European Pillar of Social Rights: access to
                                           education, training and lifelong learning for everybody,
                                           everywhere in the EU
                                        -   building resilience to react to crises, based on the lessons learnt
                                           during the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                    This agenda is crucial for fostering an economy that is sustainable, resilient,
                                    and inclusive.
                Relevance to VET    The European Skills Agenda promotes a “skills revolution” focused not
                and Metacognitive  exclusively on digital skills, but also on cognitive and metacognitive skills,
                Initiatives         such as critical thinking, problem-solving, holistic view and the ability to
                                    The Agenda outlines initiatives such as:
                                        -   Pact for Skills: A model for skills development in Europe in which
                                           VET institutions are the protagonists, facilitating the integration of
                                           sustainable practices and digital transformation education.


               Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not
               necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither
               the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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