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                                             MET-VET – Metacognition for
                                            Environmental Thinking in VET
                                                   Project number:

                SYNTHESIS          SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education is a pioneering organisation which
                (Cyprus), Partner   initiates and implements projects of social impact, with a focus on social inclusion.
                                   It is the leading organisation in the country in the fields of social entrepreneurship
                                   and social innovation. It founded and is managing HUB NICOSIA, an educational
                                   centre, and a community of organisations with cultural, environmental, and social
                CUIABLUE OÜ        Cuiablue OÜ is an Estonian SME founded with the mission of creating diverse,
                (Estonia), Partne   cross-sectoral cooperative European networks to generate positive change though
                                   innovation in education. Its core activities are the design, development and
                                   implementation of educational initiatives and social innovation to support wider
                                   European strategic goals.

               The project's target groups are: VET learners and VET teachers/trainers and, indirectly, VET Centres.
               Indeed,  the  objective  of  MET-VET  is  to  contribute  to  trainers’  professional  development  on
               environmental  protection  so  that  they  could  help  VET  learners  develop  a  reflective  and  forward-
               thinking green mindset through metacognition.

               MET-VET supports the greening process and wider European environmental and sustainability targets
               and  objectives  by  developing  an  innovative  set  of  tools  which  support  environmental  awareness
               through a broader metacognitive knowledge and skill among VET learners, and their educators to
               support the role of VET centres as hugely influential educators as Europe embarks on a digital and
               environmental shift.  The MET-VET project has met the needs of the target groups through the four
               innovative, targeted and cohesive results shown in the table below:

                 N.  TITLE                       DESCRIPTION

                R1  Metacognition for            The Metacognition for Environmental Thinking Competence
                     Environmental Thinking      Framework provides a reference point for all VET
                     Competence Framework        stakeholders to be able to integrate environmental thinking
                                                 into existing VET systems - directly addressing the needs of
                                                 the VET sectors' stakeholders.
                                                 See and download Result 1 from the MET-VET website:
                R2  Learner and Facilitator      The MOOCs are aimed at supporting both learners and
                     MOOC “Metacognition for     practitioners to effectively understand environmental
                     an Environmental Approach  reflective thinking from their own individual perspective.
                     to VET”                     Access the Result 2 from the MET-VET Platform:  https://met-
                R3  VET Reflective Digital Story   The Reflective Digital Story Library is aimed at supporting
                     Library and Creation Guide   learners to create their own environmental metacognitive
                                                 digital story as a means of reflecting on their personal and

               Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not
               necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither
               the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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