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                                             MET-VET – Metacognition for
                                            Environmental Thinking in VET
                                                   Project number:

                development          - an overview of governmental policies on compulsory and optional
                schemes              training courses, seminars and other initiatives to foster and update
                                     the green skills of VET teachers/trainers
                                     -a  recollection  of  training  and  re-training  experiences  VET
                                     teachers/trainers have had, gathered through interviews, surveys and
                                     focus groups carried out by the project partners
                PART C:              This section provides:
                Financing the        - an insight on European initiatives and financing instruments to fund
                integration of new:   the integration of new teaching, motivation, guidance and outreach
                teaching,            tools at European level
                motivation,          -  an  overview  of  National  initiatives  and  opportunities,    financing
                guidance and         instruments  to  fund  the  integration  of  new  teaching,  motivation,
                outreach tools       guidance and outreach tools in the Countries of the Partnership
                                     -a  recollection  of  successful  teaching,  motivation,  guidance  and
                                     outreach tools experimented by the VET organization of the project
                                     partnership  and/or  of  the  partnerships’  network  gathered  through
                                     interviews,  surveys  and  focus  groups  carried  out  by  the  project
                PART D:              This section provides:
                Engaging and         - information on the relevance of involving learners in environmentally
                supporting learners   focused digital strategies to favour and promote the green transition
                into an              - a description of the products and tools developed through the MET-
                environmentally      VET  project  and  indication  on  how  they  can  support  an
                focused digital      environmentally focused digital strategy within VET organisations
                PART E:              This section provides:
                Lessons learned      - a summary of the lessons learned by the consortium through the
                from stakeholders    engagement of VET centres throughout the
                and the consortium   project lifetime.
                during the MET-VET   - a summary of the lessons learned by the consortium
                project              from the implementation of the project and the interaction with the

               Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not
               necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither
               the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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